How to send staff to Canada through Intra-Company Transfers || Oris Visas
How to send staff to Canada through Intra-Company Transfers || Oris Visas Multinational companies can send key staff to work in Canada through Intra-Company Transfer work permits. If your company has a parent company, branch, subsidiary, or affiliate in Canada, you can send key personnel to the Canadian location through an Intra-Company Transfer (ICT). ICT work permits are initially valid for one year and may be eligible for renewal. If the worker qualifies, employers are exempt from the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) requirement. Both the company and the transferee must meet certain qualifications to be eligible for the ICT. Schedule a Free Work Permit Consultation with the Cohen Immigration Law Firm Company requirements for ICT In order for a company to be qualified for an ICT, it needs to be operating in Canada. It is not enough to just have a physical presence. The Canadian and foreign locations must be providing goods and services ...