Express Entry New PNP draw invites 589 candidates || Oris Visas

 Express Entry New PNP draw invites 589 candidates || Oris Visas

Canada held a new round of invitations on May 25 to invite 589 Express Entry candidates to apply for permanent residence.
The minimum score to be invited to participate in this draw is 741. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) only invites candidates with previous provincial nominations, which is why the cut-off score is so high. Express Entry candidates nominated under the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) will automatically receive 600 Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points, which will be added to their base score.
Compared to the previous one, this draw is slightly larger and the CRS cap is lower. In previous Express Entry draws, IRCC invited 545 PNP candidates with a score of at least 753.

Express Entry draws for FSWP and CEC candidates to resume in July

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser said Express Entry invitations for Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and Canadian Experience Class (CEC) candidates will resume in early July. The minister also announced that most new Express Entry applications will be processed again within the six-month standard of service.
The express registration lottery for FSWP candidates has been suspended since December 2020, and the lottery for CEC candidates has been suspended since September 2021. Processing times for these plans are currently well in excess of IRCC's six-month target. IRCC has temporarily suspended the draw for these candidates to allocate resources to eliminate the Fast Track registration backlog exacerbated by the pandemic.

Get a Free Express Entry Assessment 
IRCC made 156,000 permanent residence decisions between January 1 and March 31, 2022, double the number during the same period in 2021, according to IRCC data from an April 22 press conference.
Although the number of newcomers willing to immigrate through the Express Entry system has declined in 2022 and 2023, IRCC aims to host more than 110,000 immigrants through Express Entry by 2024.

 What is Express Entry?

Express Entry is the application management system for three of Canada's most popular immigration programs: the Canadian Experience Class, the Federal Skilled Worker Program, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program. PNP candidates in the Express Entry pool are already eligible for at least one of these programs.
Express Entry ranks candidate profiles using a points-based system, the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). The highest scoring candidates will receive an invitation to apply (ITA) and can then apply for permanent residency.
After a candidate submits an application, an IRCC officer reviews the application and makes a decision. The officer will request biometric information and may schedule an interview or request additional documentation.
If the application is approved, IRCC will issue a Certificate of Permanent Residence (COPR). Authorized permanent residents can complete the landing process. If you are outside of Canada, you can use pre-arrival services to help you start settling in Canada.

 Who was invited?

Below are hypothetical examples of possible invitations to the new Fast Track sweepstakes.
Yiorgos is 34 years old and has a master's degree. He has been working as a database analyst for 10 years. He has written IELTS with 7.5 in listening and 6.5 in all other subjects. He has never worked or studied in Canada. Yiorgos joined the Express Entry pool and submitted a profile to Saskatchewan, Canada through the International Skilled Worker: Saskatchewan Express Entry stream. He entered the Express Entry Pool with a CRS score of 360. Shortly after submitting his profile to Saskatchewan, Yiorgos was invited to apply for a provincial nomination. After his nomination, his CRS score improved to 960 and Yiorgos received an invitation to apply for permanent residency in a new fast-track draw.


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